Bhargava’s Team Earns Best Paper at DNCMS
Writer(s): Jesica E. Hollinger

Their paper “A Distributed Monitoring and Reconfiguration Approach for Adaptive Network Computing” took top honors at the international workshop held in conjunction with the 34th IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems this Sept. 28 - Oct.1. at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
Professor Bhargava explained the real-world applications of their research. The main impact of the approach is mechanisms for comprehensive monitoring of network computing involving mobile and cloud services. A system was presented that provides support for antifrugality (increase in capability and robustness as a result of mistakes, faults, attacks, or failures), resiliency, and continuous availability under highly dynamic contexts involving cyber attacks and service failures for DoD applications. The system allows for dynamically reconfigured service composition based on changes in the context with respect to timeliness and accuracy of information as well as the type, duration, extent of attacks. It considers trust levels of services and the complexity of the environment and any operational context changes (different platform, emergency, endpoint change etc.)

The ideas include statistical analysis of multivariate time-series data collected by service monitors to detect significant deviations from normal behavior and adjusting the service threat levels based on duration, extent & type of anomalies. The correlation of time-series data from multiple services allows for detection of bigger threats (affecting the whole domain, collaborative attacks etc.). It increases the ability to detect zero-day attacks as opposed to signature-based models.
Each year, the workshop and symposium provides a forum for researchers, scientists and engineers working in academia and industry to share their experiences, new ideas and research results in the areas of dependable network computing, mobile systems, and Reliable Distributed Systems.

The workshop includes technical presentations and networking opportunities. It also covers a full spectrum of dependability issues related to the design, analysis, and implementation, of infrastructures, systems, architectures, algorithms and protocols that deal with network computing and mobile/ubiquitous systems. [Photo captions: Above, Pelin Angin is featured on the left, Rohit Ranchal is featured on the right. Sunil Lingayat and Prof. Bhargava are pictured bottom right.]
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