Computational Persistence Workshop

The Department of Computer Science welcomes attendees to the Computational Persistence Workshop, to be held virtually from November 1 - 5, 2021, 10 am EST - 1:30 pm EST.
In recent years, advances in topological data analysis have been fueled by progress on both fronts of mathematics and algorithms. This workshop intends to focus on the computational aspects of topological persistence that is central to this development.
Diverse applications of topological persistence hinge on the capability of the algorithms to handle scale and noise in data. We hope that this workshop, termed "Computational Persistence," provides a forum to exchange ideas on developing efficient, robust, application-driven algorithms backed up by solid mathematics.
The Department of Computer Science at Purdue is hosting the event virtually, registration is available online. A link will be sent to those who have registered for the workshop. Six talks are planned for each day, with time set aside for questions and answers. The titles and abstracts of the talks are available on the workshop’s schedule. There will be a daily break from 11:30 - 12:00 EST.
The Computational Persistence Workshop is organized by Professor Tamal K. Dey and PhD students, Tao Hou and Ryan Slechta. The workshop is intended for graduate students, postdocs, and faculty who are interested in the area of data analysis using computational and algebraic topology.
Tamal Dey's primary research area is computational geometry and topology with applications to topological data analysis, geometric modeling, computer graphics, and mesh generation. He has (co)authored two books, Curve and surface reconstruction: Algorithms with Mathematical Analysis, and Delaunay Mesh Generation. Recently, he finished coauthoring Computational Topology for Data Analysis, to be published in 2022. Dey has authored more than 200 scientific articles. He is an IEEE and ACM Fellow and has been inducted as a Fellow by Solid Modeling Association.