Y. Charlie Hu
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor of Computer Science (courtesy)
M.S., Yale University, Computer Science (1992)
MPhil, Yale University, Computer Science (1992)
PhD, Harvard University, Computer Science (1997)
Y. Charlie Hu's research interests are in Distributed Systems, Operating Systems, Internet and Wireless Networking, and High Performance Computing. He has done extensive work on smartphone energy profiling and debugging, data center networking and cloud computing, program-counter-based techniques for the I/O management in operating systems, Internet routing, routing security, network measurement, peer-to-peer overlay networking, the synergy between peer-to-peer and grid computing, and the synergy between peer-to-peer and mobile ad hoc networking. He has published over 150 papers in these areas, including publications in ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, IEEE Transactions on Computers, ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, IEEE JSAC, USENIX OSDI, USENIX HotOS, NSDI, EuroSys, HPCA, ACM SIGCOMM, Hotnets, ACM Sigmetrics, ACM/USENIX IMC, ACM CoNEXT, IEEE INFOCOM, and IEEE/ACM SC Conferences. Prof. Hu received the National Science Foundation CAREER award in 2003, and the Honda Initiation Grant Award in 2002. He served as a TPC Vice Chair for SBAC/PAD 2009, ICDCS 2007 and ICPP 2004 and a co-founder and TPC co-chair for the International Workshop on Mobile Peer-to-Peer Computing. Prof. Hu is an ACM Distinguished Scientist and an IEEE senior member. He is a Purdue University Faculty Scholar 2011-2016.
Selected Publications
Abhinav Pathak, Y. Charlie Hu, and Ming Zhang, "Where is the energy spent inside my app? Fine Grained Energy Accounting on Smartphones with Eprof", Proc. of EuroSys: European Conference on Computer Systems,, Bern, Switzerland, April 10-13, 2012 (Best Student Paper Award)
Zheng Zhang, Ying Zhang, Y. Charlie Hu, Z. Morley Mao, "iSPY: Detecting IP Prefix Hijacking on My Own", Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM, Seattle, WA, August 17-22, 2008
Chris Gniady, Ali R. Butt, and Y. Charlie Hu, "Program Counter Based Pattern Classification in Buffer Caching", Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI), San Francisco, CA, December 6-8, 2004