Friendships and Collaboration at Purdue Computer Science

At Purdue Computer Science, students can form lasting relationships with colleagues. A group of students that met in 2016 during the CS Bridge Program, came back together to deliver their senior software engineering year project in the Spring of 2020. The team consisted of Katarina Gregurich, Kai Hoffman, Aaron Lynn, Riley Turnbull, Conley Utz, and Megan Walsh. Five out of the six (all except for Turnbull) met in the CS Bridge Program as freshman. Their project, "Rezzi" is an app to be used by Resident Hall Assistants (RAs) for communicating and managing their jobs. The team’s professor, H. E. Dunsmore, said "The Rezzi software engineering team used state-of-the-art technology; Angular (web application framework); Node.js (JavaScript run-time environment); and Firebase (database service) that we don't even teach in our classes. They learned how to use them on their own. The app is both extremely functional and highly intuitive. They did a very professional job." Dunsmore added, "At the beginning of every Bridge class, I tell the students that they will form friendships that will carry throughout the academic year and likely the rest of their time here at Purdue. That certainly proved to be the case with Team Rezzi!"