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InterMed is a Distributed Medical Multimedia Database Management System. InterMed will provide highly marketable functionality that is not available in telemedicine today. This system will support the following:
  • management and use of patient medical data in textual, audio, image, and video form all together in a coordinated fashion;
  • coordinated capture, transmission, storage, and retrieval of video and cardiac ultrasound data from remote sites;
  • annotation of image, audio, and video medical data with textual and audio commentaries by physicians;
  • use of content-based retrieval of these data using indexes built using the annotations; and,
  • the ability to use of state-of-the-art image and video processing techniques now in development by two consortium members (Notre Dame and Purdue).

Motivation & Purposes

Managing multimedia data still presents significant technical problems that consortium members are working to solve, because they exist in many formats, some formats like video do not fit naturally into traditional database systems, and the nature of the data raises serious security and privacy requirements. The InterMed system will leverage advanced technologies and standards for distributed object management, medical data representation and interchange, and World-Wide Web document representation. It will provide more effective exchange of medical information between health care providers, educators, and clinical trial laboratories.
The InterMed demonstration prototype will serve two purposes:
  • Leverage & Integrate: Research members of this consortium are active in ongoing research on technologies that will form the elementary building blocks of advanced telemedicine, but they are not currently funded to perform technology transfer. This project will allow these results to be leveraged and integrated into a concrete demonstration prototype application that serves a specific purpose.
  • Evaluate & Market: The demonstration prototype will serve as an incubator of marketable ideas in health care delivery, clinical trial management, and educational technology. Deployment of the demonstration prototype will occur in several operational environments. The purpose of this strategy is to demonstrate the wider applicability of the solutions. For example, content-based video retrieval is expected not only to provide a marketable solution for medical consultation, but also to provide a critical resource for medical education in Indiana, which can then be marketed to other states.

Project Scope & Team

The general division of responsibilities among consortium partners is depicted in the figure below. Purdue, Notre Dame, and Micro Data Base Systems will perform the R&D, and technology transfer. Med Institute, IU, and Clarian will consult on user and system requirements, and will trial the prototype. All members will play a role in commercialization with leadership from consortium members in the Krannert School of Management at

Figure        Project Scope

Expected Outcomes

Local economic development: The demonstration prototype developed by the ITI will contribute to the development of commercial products and services across Indiana. Specific impacts are expect in three sectors of the telemedicine industry:
  • improved access and care products: The technology developed in this project will allow greater functionality in the practice of medicine to be achieved remotely. This is particularly important for so-called physician shortage areas. This improvement includes cost improvements through the legal circumvention of the costly inter-LATA toll barriers to telemedicine. The demonstration prototype described in this proposal, for example, will allow richer consultive and diagnostic functionality to be provided via the Internet2 infrastructure. These low cost/high functionality solutions will be attractive to the health care delivery sector of the health care industry.
  • improved administration products: The demonstration prototype will address problems of exchanging and integrating the various forms and standards of medical data, including textual, audio, and video patient records, as well as physician annotations to those records. The improved ability to manage and exchange such multimedia medical documents will be attractive to the health care administration, delivery and clinical trial sectors of the health care industry.
  • improved medical distance education products: Medical distance education technology will be improved by the consultative features of the demonstration prototype. The development of video database management systems and content-based video retrieval will allow medical educators to quickly locate and present to their students video clips of important medical procedures. Annotation capabilities will allow these video data to be associated with audio and textual commentaries and notes. This technology will be attractive to the film and media industries, the digital library community and the distance education industry around the world, even outside of the discipline of medicine.
Leveraging of existing infrastructure: The demonstration prototypes developed by the ITI will leverage some existing infrastructure in the Indiana, extending their usefulness and increasing their operational cost/benefit ratios. The primary infrastructure to be leveraged will be Internet2, multimedia, and computing facilities in member institutions.
Creation of unique resources: The demonstration prototype will produce unique resources for the state of Indiana. The primary unique resource will be a telemedicine network infrastructure that can be used to deliver telemedicine products and services to medical schools, health care providers, and clinical trial managers.