Computer Science Hosts Summer Camp
The sounds of giggles and chatter replaced the usually mellow hallways of the Computer Science Building last week as the Department hosted the Computer Science Summer Camp for Girls and the Computer Science Summer Camp for Boys. The Girl's camp ran from June 22nd- 25th and the Boy's camp ran from June 25th-28th. The purpose of the camps was to introduce basic computer science concepts to students entering middle school in the fall. Each 4-day/3-night camp allowed campers to explore computer science through creating individual websites, programming pocket PC's, and building and creating robots and programs for the Lego Robotics Challenge. Campers were also treated to a fun night of pizza at Bruno's followed by a viewing of "Finding Nemo". Special highlights of the camps included guest speakers from Raytheon, the Lego Bowling Challenge, and a camper showcase of their websites. In addition, the girl campers were also challenged by special guest speaker, Mark Bernstein, to create a community serviced based "Jimmy Project". Each camp concluded with a parent luncheon and camp overview at Seattle Beanery.
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