- 404
- 50 Years of Purdue Computer Science
- About
- Academic Progams
- Courses
- Fall 2008 CS Courses
- Fall 2009
- Spring 2009
- Summer 2009
- Fall 2010
- Spring 2010
- Summer 2010
- Fall 2011
- Spring 2011
- Summer 2011
- Fall 2012
- Spring 2012
- Summer 2012
- Fall 2013
- Spring 2013
- Summer 2013
- Fall 2014 Courses
- Spring 2014
- Summer 2014
- Proposed Fall 2015 Courses
- Spring 2015 Courses
- Summer 2015 Courses
- Proposed Fall 2016 Courses
- Spring 2016 Courses
- Summer 2016 Courses
- Fall 2017 Courses
- Spring 2017 Courses
- Summer 2017 Courses
- Fall 2018 Courses
- Spring 2018 Courses
- Summer 2018 Courses
- Fall 2019 Courses
- Spring 2019 Courses
- Summer 2019 Courses
- Fall 2020 Courses
- Spring 2020 Courses
- Spring 2020 CS Courses
- Summer 2020 Courses
- Fall 2021 CS Courses
- Spring 2021 Courses
- Summer 2021 CS Courses
- Fall 2022 CS Courses
- Spring 2022 CS Courses
- Summer 2022 CS Courses
- Fall 2023 CS Courses
- Spring 2023 CS Courses
- Summer 2023 CS Courses
- Fall 2024 CS Courses
- Spring 2024 CS Courses
- Summer 2024 CS Courses
- Fall 2025 CS Courses
- Spring 2025 CS Courses
- Summer 2025 CS Courses
- Canonical Syllabi
- course-access-request
- Current Semester CS Courses
- Academic Integrity Policy
- Open CS Courses
- New Course Offerings
- Previous Semesters
- Upcoming Semesters
- Future Students
- Graduate Program
- Academic Progams
- international-programs
- international-students
- Pass/Not Pass Spring 2020
- Professional Practice
- Study Abroad
- Undergraduate Program
- Courses
- Alumni
- 2019 Alumni Awards
- 2021-alumni-awards
- 2022 Alumnus Award
- 2023 Alumnus Award
- 2024 Alumni Awards
- CSGrad4Us
- 2018 Distinguished Alumnus
- 1993 Distinguished Alumnus
- 1994 Distinguished Alumnus
- 1995 Distinguished Alumnus
- 1996 Distinguished Alumnus
- 1997 Distinguished Alumnus
- 1998 Distinguished Alumnus
- 1999 Distinguished Alumnus
- 2000 Distinguished Alumnus
- 2001 Distinguished Alumnus
- 2002 Distinguished Alumnus
- 2003 Distinguished Alumnus
- 2004 Distinguished Alumnus
- 2005 Distinguished Alumnus
- 2006 Distinguished Alumnus
- 2007 Distinguished Alumnus
- 2008 Distinguished Alumnus
- 2009 Distinguished Alumnus
- 2010 Distinguished Alumnus
- 2011 Distinguished Alumnus
- 2012 Distinguished Alumnus
- Distinguished Alumnus
- Distinguished Alumnus
- Distinguished Alumnus
- Distinguished Alumnus
- Distinguished Alumnus
- 2019 Distinguished Alumnus
- Director of Development
- Keep in Touch
- 2017 Outstanding Alumni
- 2008 Outstanding CS Alumni
- 2009 Outstanding CS Alumni
- 2010 Outstanding CS Alumni
- 2011 Outstanding CS Alumni
- Outstanding Alumni
- Outstanding Alumni
- Outstanding Alumni
- Outstanding Alumni
- Outstanding Alumni
- Fall 2007 Outstanding CS Alumni
- Spring 2007 Outstanding CS Alumni
- Past Distinguished Alumni
- Past Outstanding Alumni
- awards
- Business Office
- Calendar
- Colloquium
- Corporate
- Announcements
- Blockchain Club Offering Blockchain Programming Courses for CS Students
- If you're an out-of-state student, check out
- Attend BoilerMake 2/21-23, Apply by 2/14
- Invite to Participate in Caltech Hacktech, 4/25-27
- Register to Attend the 26th Annual CERIAS Cybersecurity Symposium, 4/1-2
- New! College of Science and Department Apparel Page
- Invite to Dairy Consumption Survey
- Invite to Participate in a Data Cleaning Tool User Study
- Faculty Candidate Research Talks
- USB Hosting "Hackathon 101 Panel" - Insight for participating in hackathons, 2/19
- Need help with your resume? Curious about undergraduate research? Thinking about graduate school? We can help!
- Participate in Our Human-Robot Interaction Study – Earn $20 for 2.5 Hours!
- Announcements
- Indianapolis OWL Donuts & Drafting Day, 2/13
- Did you Participate in a 2024 Summer Internship, Please Share Your Experience
- Kubernetes Zero to Mastery: 8-Part Series at Purdue!
- Seeking Participants for Mixed Reality Study
- Machine Learning @ Purdue Club Seeking Mentors
- Nursing Students Survey on Improving Resources for Student Nutrition
- MS Guidebook
- Undergraduate Research Newsletter
- Douglas Rushoff Talk: Program or Be Programmed, 2/20
- Self-Service Portrait Station for all Boilermakers
- Introduction of Simplify (browser extension streamlines application process)
- Graduate Survey
- Are you interested in Undergraduate Research?
- USB New Initiative - Purdue Technical Projects
- Invitation to Join CS User Study Participant Pool
- CS/DS/AI Virtual Help Room - It's Free!
- Participate in Women in STEM During Identity Development & Career Transitions Survey
- CS Corporate Partner Recruiting Day
- Events - Corporate Partner Program
- Research Proposals - Corporate Partners
- Employment
- AC/C Tech Seeking Programmer to help with Website
- Entry Level Software Positions at Advanced Sciences and Technologies
- CS Researcher Seeking Help to Develop Simple GUI
- CS Prof Bagchi Seeking Multiple Undergraduate Research Assistants
- Research Project on Rendering Trees and Forests Seeking Undergrad Student
- Center for Career Opportunities (CCO) Seeking Web Developer
- Cognitive Robot Autonomy and Learning (CoRAL) Lab Seeking Students for Research Projects
- Undergraduate Research Opportunities with CS Professors
- Daniels School Marketing Lab Seeking E-commerce Website Developer
- Purdue's Envision Center Seeking 3D Artist & Unity Developer
- IDEAS Lab - Undergraduate Research Opportunity with Dr. Bera
- Employment
- The National Student Leadership Conference Hiring for TAs & ATAs for Summer Artificial Intelligence & Cybersecurity Programs
- Oracle Career Opportunities and Internships
- NSF REU Funded Project w/ Prof. Qureshi
- Research Opportunities with CS Prof Ribeiro
- Sedaro Seeking Junior Software Engineers
- Employment Opportunities at SpreeAI
- PU Students Startup Looking for Coders
- Employment Opportunities at STYTCH
- TechPoint's Job Board
- Student Events
- Graduation Survey
- Corporate Partners Program
- Internship Survey
- Internships
- AccessComputing Internship for Students with Disabilities
- Amtrak's Internships & Early Career Opportunities
- CCO Shares Indiana Internships
- Internships with Disney
- EPI - USE Internships
- Internships
- Jumpseat Travel Platform (founded by 2 CS students) Seeking Developers
- Internships for ML & Robotics Engineers at Milwaukee Tool
- Purdue Pathmaker Internship Program
- Research Opportunities in Computational Biology at Rosetta Commons
- Data Scientist Internship at Vasc-Alert
- myCCO
- Opportunity Update
- Opportunity Update
- Corporate Partners Program
- Past CPP Events
- placement
- Join Corporate Partners Program
- Recruiter Information
- Scholarships
- Searchable & Personalized Scholarships Available at Access Scholarships
- Scholarship Guide for CS Majors
- Shares Scholarship Opportunities & Resources
- for Scholarships in Cyber Security
- Dirwin Bike Scholarship, Apply by 6/1/25
- Scholarships
- LA Tutors Innovation in Education Scholarship
- Manhattan Home Design $250 Scholarship, Apply by 6/1/25
- Modern Blaze Offering $500 Scholarship, Apply by 7/18
- scholarship-universe
- A Guide to Finding the Best Tech Scholarships
- VidaBox $500 Scholarship, Apply by 9/30/25
- Offering $1,000 Scholarship
- 2024 Career Fair Info
- We connect students with companies.
- thanks
- Announcements
- Diversity
- Future Students
- Graduate
- Admission
- access to computers
- arrival
- Admission: Electronic Graduate Application
- Admission: English Proficiency
- Computer Science Faculty
- Graduate Admissions
- Admission: Letters of Recommendation
- Orientation
- CS Orientation for new TAs: Overview F
- CS Fall Orientation: Tentative Overview
- Process
- Requirements
- Admission: Requirements for Non-CS Majors
- Admission: Statement of Purpose
- Application Steps and Process
- Admission: Transcripts
- useful-links
- Graduate Programs in Computing
- Current Students
- Curriculum
- Curriculum: 2001 Doctoral Requirements
- Curriculum: 2002 Doctoral Requirements
- Curriculum: 2006 Doctoral Requirements
- Curriculum: 2008 MS Requirements
- Curriculum: 2009 Doctoral Requirements
- Curriculum: 2010 Doctoral Requirements
- Doctoral
- Approved Courses
- Computational Life Sciences
- Computational Science & Engineering
- Doctoral Program
- Curriculum: Doctoral Example Timeline
- graduation-candidacy
- Curriculum
- Master's Program
- MS Plan Instructions
- Purdue Department of Computer Science
- Defense Procedure Instructions
- PhD Plan Instructions
- PhD Plan Instructions
- Prelim Procedure Instructions
- QCE Registration
- Qualifying Examination Part 2 Procedure
- Statistics-Computer Science Joint Masters
- working_doc
- Financial Support
- GTA Award Winners
- Graduate Program
- Online MS in CS
- Other Information
- registration
- variable-courses
- Why choose Purdue CS for grad school?
- Admission
- Hiring
- 2017-2018 Faculty Search
- 2017-2018 Faculty Search
- Tenure-Track/Tenured Professors in Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence
- Tenure-Track/Tenured Professors in Theoretical Computer Science
- Assistant/Associate Professor of Practice Positions in Computer Science
- Tenure-Track Professors in Quantum Information Science
- Tenure-Track/Tenured Professors in Theoretical Computer Science
- Professor Clinical/Professional Assistant
- Assistant/Associate Professor of Practice (Indianapolis)
- Assistant Professor of Practice in Computer Science
- Assistant Professor of Computer Science
- hiring-off-cycle
- hiring_teachingfaculty
- Join the Purdue CS Faculty
- tenure-track
- Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
- history
- 60-anniversary
- a-bera
- a-elmagarmid
- a-garg
- a-johnson-avery
- a-kate
- a-roy
- b-benes
- b-bhargava
- b-brackett
- b-celik
- b-delaware
- b-mittal
- b-williem
- c-katsis
- c-peng
- c-yang
- d-aliaga
- d-comer
- d-dudhal
- d-gleich
- dunsmore
- e-deepak
- e-grigorescu
- f-oleary
- h-eldardiry
- h-farrukh
- h-maji
- i-karim
- images
- index
- j-frank
- j-gao
- j-huang
- j-reprogle
- j-turkstra
- k-abhyankar
- k-taram
- k-zhang
- l-yee
- m-burch
- m-mokbel
- m-oberlin
- m-petersen
- m-shahbaz
- m-zhu
- p-drineas
- p-mohanty
- r-bond
- r-cheng
- r-thakker
- s-hambrusch
- s-kipnis
- s-shelar
- t-aderinwale
- t-dey
- t-ho
- t-zhang
- v-liu
- w-aref
- w-szpankowski
- y-shao
- z-yu
- Celebrating 60 years of Purdue Computer Science
- images
- index
- table1
- table2
- table3
- table4
- table5
- 60-anniversary
- Computer Science Home Page
- Internships
- Media
- Brand Guide
- docs
- CS E-Mews: Self-Subscribe
- Folder Display Name
- index
- Virtual Tour
- News Ttile
- articles
- 2001
- 2002
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name Goes Here
- images
- 2002 News
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- 2003
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- images
- 2003 News
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- 2004
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- images
- 2004 News
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- 2005
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- docs
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- images
- 2005 News
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- 2006
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- docs
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- images
- 2006 News
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- 2007
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- docs
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- images
- 2007 News
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- 2008
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- docs
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- images
- 2008 News
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- 2009
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- docs
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- images
- 2009 News
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- 2010
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- docs
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
- images
- 2010 News
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
- Display Name Goes Here
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- Display Name for the breadcrumbs goes here
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- 2011
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- docs
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- 2011 News
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- 2012
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- docs
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- images
- 2012 News
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- 2013
- ACMCompetition
- 2013 Computer Science Distinguished Alumnus
- Arxan Technologies Developed by Purdue Computer Science Professors Announcement
- Atallah Receives Outstanding Commercialization Award
- CS Faculty and Staff Honored by College of Science
- Ph.D Student Azad Receives IBM Fellowship
- bertino_ieee
- Cisco Supports Computer Science A Fog Architecture
- All-Freshman Team Wins Purdue Code War
- Conte Distinguished Lecture Series Begins -- New Mining Techniques Explored and Excavated
- Corporate Partners Meetings and Computer Science Career Fair Bring Employers, Students Together
- College of Science Research Award
- CS Alumna Denning Named a 2013 Distinguished Woman Scholar
- Eugster Receives Google Research Award
- Fastest Campus Supercomputer
- Computer Science Department Remembers Felix Haas
- Hosking Receives Research Awards from Qualcomm, Inc.
- Li and Qi Receive IBM Grant
- images
- 2006 News
- CS Faculty, Students, and Alumni Featured in Insights
- Kihara Receives NSF Grant
- CS Alumnus Kim Publishes IT Novel
- Meawad Receives CETA Teaching Award
- CS Students Compete in Largest Ever Student-Run Hackathon
- Neville Honored with Umass Alumni Award
- 2013 Outstanding Alumni
- Purdue Hacker teams win top prizes at the worlds largest collegiate hack-a-thon
- CS Student Project Receives Entrepreneurship Prototyping Grant
- SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award
- Dr. Sonia Fahmy joins Cyber Center
- Spafford Named to EPIC Advisory Board
- 2013 Splash Conference
- CS Students Compete in International Supercomputing Challenge
- Kihara and Vitek Named 2013 University Faculty Scholars
- University Faculty Scholar
- Young women computer scientists “think big”
- 2014
- Supercomputing
- 3 New Faculty
- Anne Schowe Dist. Alumna
- Ashish Kundu Master Inventor 2014
- ElisaBertino_Award
- Best Paper at USENIX
- National Science Foundation Sponsors Big data Computing Workshop
- Boilerlabs
- BoilerMake
- Classic Cars and Classical Graph Algorithms
- Codewarswinners
- CodeWars
- COS Research Award
- CPrecisely
- Two CS Faculty Earn Promotions
- CSTrackFair
- Dan Goldwasser
- Eugster ERC Grant
- Facebook Academy
- GraceHopper2014
- Hackathon2014
- Helproom
- images
- 2006 News
- DisKarl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award
- Learning Community Award
- Meet Mathias Payer
- Meet Tiark Rompf
- Microsoft Trustworthy Computing Reliability AwardDisplay Name Here
- Midwest Theory Day
- Operation Military Kids
- CS Student’s Research Leads to Technology Adopted by Microsoft
- Online Course
- Outstanding Alumni 2014
- Reconnect COS Alumni Event
- CS student honored for teaching excellence
- SensorHound
- Sensor Hound Accelerates
- Sonia Fahmy University Scholar
- State Farm Gift
- Summer Camp 2014
- Vex Robotics Cometition
- 2015
- ACMProgramming2015
- Intersection of Art and Science
- ArtCollection2016
- b01lers CTF Snatches Victory
- Best Paper ACM CCs 2015
- Best Paper Bioinformatics
- Bhargava_DNCMS
- CERIAS Symposium
- Codecon
- CS1802015
- CS_49000
- CS Alumnus Computerworld 100
- Ethan Colombana Memorial
- Facebook Academy 2015
- Faculty for the Future
- First in the Field
- GA_RossAward
- GraceHopper2015
- Hambrusch CRA
- IEEE NFV-SDN Best Paper
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- 2006 News
- Jennifer Neville COSaward
- LeeCongdon
- Memorial Service for Alberto Apostolico
- NAIPC 2015
- Display Name Here
- Outstanding Alumni 2015
- PayerNSF
- PDOGOpportunity
- Szpankowski_BementAward
- Robo Rally 2015
- Six New Faculty
- SoftwareEngineeringStudentsSummer2015
- Software Creators
- Software Engineering Senior Project F2015
- Software Engineering Track
- Spaf, Atallah Outstanding Paper
- NSF Fellowship
- Szpankowski Named Distinguished Professor
- Tapia Conference
- TestofTime_Atallah
- Tunr
- 2016
- Atallah_Sigma Xi
- Barenboim AI's 10 to Watch
- Bertino - DAIS ITA Partnership
- Bertino Elected Fellow of AAAS
- BestPaperNitaRotaru
- BoilerMake2015
- Youdong Cao
- Chapman Receives OOPSLA Distinguished Paper Award
- CS-490-Fall-2016
- Gleich Sloan Research Fellow
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- 2006 News
- Learning Community Award 2016
- NDSS Best Paper
- OOPSLA-Second-Class-Functions
- DaCapo Project Paper Named Most Influential of OOPSLA 2006
- PengSiu_Mei
- Ph.D. students win awards at FSE 2016
- Pothen Parallel Computing Center
- New Professional Master’s Degree in Information Security
- Ribeiro ACM Best Paper
- Science Magazine Features Prof. Gleich
- Software Engineering Senior Spring 16
- Symantec Graduate Fellowship
- Top Undergraduate Teacher
- Walid 10-Year Best Paper
- WhatsUpDoc
- Windward CodeWars 2016
- 2017
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- Atallah Wins 2017 Arden L. Bement Jr. Award
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- Bhargava wins Focus Award and Helen B. Schleman Gold Medallion
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- Bridge Boosts Coding Confidence
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- Catching Up With Chris Hoffmann
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- CRIS Now Open-Source
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- Forbes-30-Under-30
- Generation CS: Undergraduate Enrollments Surge Since 2006
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- 2006 News
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- Atallah Wins 2017 Arden L. Bement Jr. Award
- Mehnaz and Bertino win Best Paper Award
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- Computer Science Women’s Network Hosts Second Annual Puzzle Day
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- Atallah Wins 2017 Arden L. Bement Jr. Award
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- thumbnails
- 10-Tips-for-New-Computer-Scientists
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- What Employers Really Want
- Why-Students-Leave-Computing
- 2018
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- 2006 News
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- 2019
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- 2006 News
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- 2020
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- 2006 News
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- 2021
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- 2006 News
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- 2022
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- 2006 News
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- 2023
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- 2006 News
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- 2024
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- 2006 News
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- career-makur
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- career-makur
- career-makur
- 2025
- news
- news
- 2012news
- News
- Videos
- Sensitive Information in a Networked World
- ACM SIDMOD: Distinguished Profiles in Databases
- Adventures in Computer Science
- Information Theory in an Industrial Research Lab
- Analysis of Algorithms: When Will I Ever Use This?
- Beauty and the Beast: The Theory and Practice of Information Integration
- Fundamental Limits of Cognitive Networks
- Compilers and Multicore Computing Systems
- Computerized Voting Machines: Who is Counting Your Vote?
- Contracts Under Asymmetric Information
- CUDA 5 and Beyond
- Social Search - Information Retrieval with Ephemeral Data
- Exponential Change: Challenges and Opportunities
- Foreseeing the Unseen: Probability Estimation over Large Alphabets
- Going Non-Linear from Point A to Point B
- Graph Mining: Laws, Generators and Tools
- Great Principles of Computing
- Towards a Highly Available Internet
- How to Hurt Scientific Productivity
- In Search of Impact: Service Counts, Too!
- Computer Science Videos
- Information Theory: Models, Algorithms, Analysis
- The Natural Mathematics that Arises in Information Theory and Investment
- The Interplay of Information Theory, Probability, and Statistics
- Information Theory Today
- Accelerate Your Programming or Science Career with GPU Computing: An Introduction to Using CUDA
- Just Like Magic: Anthropological Accounts of Wireless Technology
- The Future of LAPACK and ScaLAPACK
- Solving Large Sparse Linear Systems: The Exascale Challenge
- Learning to Think About the World
- Leonhard Euler: 300 Years Old
- The Logic of Biological Networks
- New Directions in the Application of Model Order Reduction
- Networks: How Information Theory Met the Space and the Time
- Never Ending Learning
- New Directions in Computer Science
- A New Scheduling Paradigm for Internet-Based Computing
- New Sciences for a New Web
- Purdue University: Archives & Special Collections Oral History Program
- Computer Modeling of the Orion Spacecraft Parachutes
- Two for the Price of One - A Model for Parallel and Incremental Computation
- When is the Pen Mightier Than the Keyboard?
- Personal Reflections on Computing
- Program Obfuscation and One-Time Programs
- Sequoia: Programming the Memory Hierarchy
- Security of Voting Systems
- The Role of Science and Mathematics in Software Development
- Stable Internet Routing Without Global Coordination
- Implications of Storage Class Memories on Software and Hardware
- Supercomputers and Clusters and Grids, Oh My!
- Computer Science at Purdue: The Good Ol' Days
- Tracks, Trackers, & Tracking
- The Ultimate Visualization Display
- Towards Universal Semantic Communication
- From Vacuum Tubes to Plasma TV's: Five Decades of Change
- Bringing (Web) Databases to the Masses
- What is Information? Insights from Quantum Physics
- Temporal Guarantees over Wireless Networks
- articles
- Outreach
- Adventures in Computer Science Camp Frequently Asked Questions
- Contact Us
- CS Ed Week Compliment Generator Activity
- K-12 Outreach Program
- MAGIC Student Group
- Mindset Mondays
- Mindset Mondays
- Mindset Mondays
- Journaling Prompts
- What Are Mindset Mantras?
- Mindset Week 1
- Week 2: Journaling Introduction
- Week 3: Embracing Challenges with Heart
- Week 4: Navigating Emotions and Seeking Support
- Week 5: Growth Mindset in the Science Classroom
- Week 6: The Power of Collaboration
- Week 7: Managing Overwhelm
- Week 8: Perseverance in Coding
- Week 8: Perseverance in Problem-Solving
- Week 9: Growth Mindset in Action
- Online Board
- Teacher Mindset
- Week 6 Expansion: Leadership and Roles in Collaboration
- 2024 Virtual Middle School Professional Development
- news-items
- Resources
- ROCS Student Group
- Teacher Help Desk
- What is CS?
- People
- Awards
- Printable CS Faculty List by Research Area
- Faculty
- abejara
- ace
- akate
- ake
- aliaga
- amakur
- antoniob
- apm
- apothen
- apsomas
- aref
- asaparov
- ayg
- bbenes
- bbshail
- bbullins
- bendy
- bera89
- bertino
- bgstm
- bxd
- chjung
- chunyi
- ci
- clg
- clifton
- comer
- crowe
- csjgwang
- daveti
- dgleich
- dgoldwas
- dkihara
- dxu
- eb
- ediyab
- egrigore
- enh
- eps
- esampert
- fahmy
- gba
- gchopra
- gnf
- goel144
- grr
- gtsechpe
- hanneke
- hbenotma
- hmaji
- Computer Science Faculty
- jblocki
- jhonorio
- jmconner
- joecamp
- jyzheng
- kais
- kazemian
- kharel
- krq
- lintan
- liu218
- lucier
- masmart
- matallah
- may5
- mdw
- mhborkow
- miao83
- milind
- mingyin
- mkocaogl
- mshahbaz
- mtaram
- mtucerya
- neville
- ninghui
- park0
- patrick
- pdrineas
- pfonseca
- popescu
- pvaliant
- qureshi7
- rajivak
- rayyeh
- rectorcm
- rego
- rel
- ribeirob
- rompf
- roopsha
- rrnewton
- ruqiz
- sameh
- sanjay
- sbagchi
- sbasu
- seh
- simina
- sjaganna
- smukhop
- sooyeonj
- spaf
- ssellke
- sukkusur
- sunil
- szpan
- tamaldey
- tianyi
- turkstra
- vaneet
- varao
- vijay
- vzikas
- wagstaff
- wcrum
- wgautsch
- xiaj
- xmt
- xyzhang
- ychu
- yexiang
- yonglezh
- yunglu
- zcelik
- zkingsto
- Graduate Students
- aabhatna
- aakilapa
- aaqdas
- aarunasa
- abandaru
- abasareh
- abatth
- abbas4
- abudaraj
- aburudgu
- abuynits
- achitsaz
- adabholk
- adams475
- adoiphod
- afiroze
- ahmed298
- ajayati
- akambha
- akhanol
- alluri2
- alochab
- alvar258
- amangana
- an93
- anaman
- anand130
- anawarka
- arechke
- arko
- asafonov
- asarraf
- aseto
- ashaeiri
- ashemont
- ashreeku
- asingla
- asoroush
- atahmasb
- aterzogl
- atharmas
- athata
- aullah
- aupalkar
- awarnec
- awfrey
- bae68
- bai123
- balaji40
- balakri3
- banala
- baydogmu
- bbevilac
- becke159
- bhat52
- bhavsar
- bishta
- bond57
- bpapan
- brajgara
- brunnec
- bsaleem
- bseoh
- btavasol
- bui35
- bukhars
- bvtran
- cao371
- cbojja
- cboutsik
- ccolley
- cdoner
- cfarber
- cgovind
- cha20
- chand150
- chang986
- chen3189
- chen3203
- chen3873
- chen4007
- chen4044
- chen4124
- chen4129
- chen4380
- chen4828
- chen4851
- chen5219
- chen5221
- chen5264
- chen5309
- cheng535
- cheng753
- cheung69
- chiang80
- cho234
- cho353
- chou155
- chu264
- chu292
- ckatsis
- cmsale
- cmukherj
- csawla
- curtis83
- cwhitter
- dai124
- das160
- das243
- das90
- dbasile
- dcastrom
- dcich
- ddaiya
- ddamoah
- ddemello
- deng254
- deng334
- dersoy
- dey33
- dhar17
- dhelsel
- dhsun
- di5
- dicker18
- dickeye
- dipam
- dixitn
- djaiswa
- dmandara
- dmaurya
- dnamargo
- doan23
- dpeddire
- dshur
- du286
- duan79
- dutta67
- dyeke
- ebejares
- ecaplan
- ehli
- ejugade
- emader
- emudgal
- epotapov
- estoppa
- ewarraic
- fan322
- fang301
- fcicala
- feng292
- ferankia
- ffarheen
- fgala
- fmemon
- fors
- gandrout
- gao634
- gao688
- gao711
- gao749
- gasam
- gavinash
- gavula
- gbuginga
- gchoudha
- gfrancoc
- ggergerl
- ghosh117
- giri2
- gkoul
- gocarrol
- gokhale9
- gonza982
- gopalak7
- gopals
- gu251
- guo543
- guo777
- guo778
- guo846
- gupt1040
- gupt1261
- gupta565
- gupta596
- gurung1
- gverneka
- gyeo
- haas60
- hain0
- haminikh
- han706
- han742
- harihar4
- hdilip
- he184
- he662
- he788
- hguruman
- hill571
- hobsonn
- holman14
- hongyu
- hsieh65
- hsu226
- hu953
- hu954
- huan1464
- huan1504
- huan1606
- huan1681
- huan1754
- huan1882
- huan2073
- huan2086
- hung94
- hviswan
- hwang102
- ifuksman
- imran8
- Computer Science Graduate Students
- iosterma
- islam32
- islam59
- iyengar3
- jacobs57
- jagadees
- jain343
- jain455
- jaiswa17
- jariwala
- jayapran
- jballow
- jbliu
- jchustak
- jcoberly
- jcshinkl
- jdani
- jeong3
- jfotsopu
- jha36
- jha56
- jia127
- jia137
- jian1000
- jiang631
- jiang719
- jiang794
- jin435
- jin467
- jin509
- jin511
- jin548
- jjgeorge
- jlowrie
- jmukher
- jone2342
- jone2541
- jsurnow
- jun39
- jung222
- jyenphra
- kabirs
- kalwadhi
- kapur16
- kasturi
- kaushikc
- kbellamk
- kelle291
- khan530
- khan555
- kim1685
- kim2167
- kim3438
- kim3531
- kim3583
- kmdsouza
- kmubassh
- koh22
- kondragu
- koub
- kshasha
- kumar410
- kumar708
- kumar800
- lai211
- lczhou
- lee2161
- lee3008
- lee3401
- lee3911
- lee3966
- lee4468
- lee4818
- lee4862
- lee5230
- lei105
- lei76
- lekkala
- li2343
- li2953
- li3765
- li3916
- li3922
- li3944
- li4178
- li4246
- li4255
- li4256
- li4380
- li4401
- li4468
- li5124
- li5280
- liang328
- liang422
- liao201
- lin1433
- lin1736
- lin1963
- ling102
- ling58
- ling59
- linge
- liu2194
- liu2598
- liu2861
- liu3012
- liu3098
- liu3099
- liu3101
- liu3154
- liu3529
- liu3852
- liu3853
- liu4122
- liu4127
- lluschwi
- lotfia
- lu1074
- lu800
- lu909
- luo401
- luo434
- luo448
- luo466
- ma856
- mahades
- mahapata
- mahmood6
- makil
- makkar0
- mameriek
- mamuna
- manchell
- mantrik
- mao128
- mareeb
- mbechtlo
- mbrar
- mcdowep
- melkady
- meng160
- mesrafil
- mgemalma
- mhmalhot
- min87
- mishra60
- mkaonain
- mkulshre
- mlavrenk
- mmajidiy
- mmertzan
- mmostafi
- mmustaq
- mnickel
- modij
- msanborn
- mtunnell
- mukher39
- mukher83
- mullerr
- murthyn
- mwhiatt
- mzahid
- naik51
- nambiar1
- naray120
- naved
- ng121
- ngetach
- nguy1143
- nhyao
- ni117
- nibtehaz
- nie34
- ning17
- nkinney
- nleakeas
- nnakshat
- npapagia
- nsiddego
- nsmearso
- nvroman
- oatre
- oeldagha
- ou45
- pang65
- parim
- parvezm
- pate1464
- pdevulap
- peng254
- peng301
- peng315
- peng326
- peter785
- pfosscon
- pham84
- phill289
- pjutrasd
- plafonta
- pmohanty
- ppenagam
- ppynadat
- prabakar
- prajarao
- prasad67
- psruthi
- qi116
- qian151
- qian176
- qin184
- qiu202
- quan10
- raditya
- rahman75
- rahman77
- rahman79
- raj5
- rajpals
- ramaswa4
- rawat10
- ren221
- rjsammel
- rkadam
- rkudikal
- rmanjun
- rmanna
- rmaschin
- rmenda
- rnahar
- rohang
- rooney13
- rosenth0
- roy206
- rpujari
- rpuranda
- rrittner
- rsanaga
- rselvaku
- rshue
- rsowards
- rthiruv
- ruixinw
- sahoo9
- sandov24
- sanjayr
- sbirudav
- schapai
- schittal
- schne165
- sharm271
- sharm442
- sharm538
- sharm710
- shen447
- shen574
- shen583
- shen624
- shengw
- shi442
- shukla52
- sing1041
- sing1647
- sing1745
- singh632
- sinha125
- sishuai
- sivaku17
- sjayapr
- sjayasun
- skadadi
- skatama
- skondlap
- smuralee
- snasa
- sohail4
- sohn31
- song464
- song522
- song630
- song683
- song753
- song837
- song903
- srahimir
- srettig
- ssamaga
- ssapale
- sshanto
- ssomji
- ssonya
- ssudhoff
- ssuryan
- stodmal
- su284
- su311
- su312
- sugalmug
- suh81
- sun1114
- sun1223
- sun1226
- sun624
- svarshn
- swakchau
- syousse
- szapodea
- taha10
- tang619
- tchakrab
- tdevale
- thom1166
- thr
- tian211
- tian253
- tiwari42
- tpautler
- tran335
- tsai209
- tspeer
- tu85
- tyalaman
- ukulkarn
- ukumaras
- varghes8
- vashista
- vazque81
- vdeeduva
- vdharmal
- vemulap7
- vemuri5
- venkat97
- verma136
- verma198
- vgeorgio
- vkoniki
- vvkunapa
- vvvu
- vyas26
- wagne279
- waltz9
- wan155
- wang4389
- wang4433
- wang4490
- wang4524
- wang4887
- wang4996
- wang5176
- wang5270
- wang5327
- wang5360
- wang5389
- wang5433
- wang5528
- wang5617
- wang5660
- wang5675
- wang5708
- wang5730
- wang6136
- wang6171
- wang6622
- white570
- wu1491
- wu1565
- wu1685
- wu1827
- wu1828
- wu2187
- wylin
- xia170
- xie342
- xie401
- xingl
- xinruw
- xiong84
- xu1415
- xu1864
- xu675
- xuan1
- yan390
- yang1683
- yang1949
- yang2300
- yang2334
- yao269
- ybyu
- ye151
- ye203
- yin178
- yinht
- yrayhan
- ytankala
- ytdu
- yu646
- yu759
- yuan311
- yuan462
- zhan1797
- zhan3339
- zhan3554
- zhan4009
- zhan4057
- zhan4125
- zhan4138
- zhan4184
- zhan4332
- zhan4404
- zhan4555
- zhan4630
- zhan4674
- zhan5048
- zhan5050
- zhan5058
- zhan5117
- zhan5394
- zhang038
- zheng618
- zheng709
- zheskett
- zhong183
- zhou1166
- zhou1168
- zhou1178
- zhou1475
- zhou791
- zhou822
- zhou956
- zhu773
- zhuang80
- zlafeer
- zou116
- People
- offices
- Printable Faculty/Staff Directory
- Staff
- adstanle
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- donotto
- ellee
- fultz
- goldsmjm
- haghign
- hlkhider
- Computer Science Staff
- jaoshea
- jdgillin
- jdthomps
- jgsenesa
- jkeyster
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- jlrenner
- jmshidle
- joeyxie
- kdgad
- kiya
- kmikesel
- kvannes
- kvdoty
- legriffe
- ljobrien
- lmartino
- mainejr
- mcinatl
- mcrees
- mfreisch
- mikem
- mnickle
- morrisjb
- mtowne
- nbrasova
- nguye767
- perez570
- pmorgan
- prudie
- psewell
- rdleonar
- richa186
- rtc
- scfultz
- sflook
- shivelmm
- skress
- sstrale
- trinkle
- tsmuthig
- vaidyanp
- walke598
- Research
- ml-ai
- ai-machine-learning
- bioinformatics-computational-biology
- Associated Research Centers and Institutes
- computational-science-engineering
- computer-architecture
- Contacts
- databases-data-mining
- distributed-systems
- graphics-visualization-modeling
- human-computer-interaction
- images
- icons
- index
- information-security
- networking-operating-systems
- Purdue Moves Spring 2018: New Faculty Profiles
- Purdue Moves Fall 2017: New Faculty Profiles
- Purdue Moves Winter 2017: New Faculty Profiles
- programming-languages-compilers
- robotics-computer-vision
- Conference on Scientific Computing and Approximation
- Conference on Scientific Computing and Approximation
- Research Seminars
- software-engineering
- theory-computing-quantum
- Resources
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- Acceptable Use Policy
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- Lawson Building Hours
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- DSAI Conference Rooms
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- DSAI 1069
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- DSAI 1119B
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- DSAI 2082
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- DSAI 2105
- DSAI 2148
- DSAI 3041
- DSAI 3082
- DSAI 3103
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- DSAI 3148
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- DSAI B039
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- DSAI B071
- General Overview
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- Lawson 2161B
- Lawson 3102AB
- Lawson 3133B
- Lawson 3144D
- Lawson 3151A
- Lawson 3162
- LWSN B131
- LWSN B146
- LWSN B148
- LWSN B158
- LWSN B160
- CS Devices Lab
- LWSN Servers
- Oracle Access
- Oracle: ORA-00054
- printing-scanning
- Explanation of "File system full" notification
- Remote access to CS Facilities
- Remote access to LWSN B131
- SL 247
- SL 251
- Purdue CS SSH Public Key Fingerprint
- Explanation of "Over disk quota" notification
- University rankings info for CS faculty
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- Grad Accounts
- Felix Haas Hall
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- docs
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- Printers
- Undergrad Accounts
- Search Results
- Sitemap
- stories
- 2020_2021_usb
- albassam_profile
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- images
- index
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- k-zhang-helps-to-make-autonomous-vehicles-safer-and-more-secure
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- mahal_goindoni
- mortar_board
- noah_alderton
- oberlin_navy_rotc
- pacheco_internship
- revolutionizing-track-and-field-recruitment-trackscout-takes-first-place-in-purdues-moonshot-pitch-challenge
- senior-capstone-software-engineering-2022
- servio_phd
- team-rezzi
- victoria_liu
- xinping_kelvin_zhang
- Study Abroad
- images
- Study Abroad
- Undergraduate
- Academic Advisors
- Bridge Program
- codo-requirements
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- cs-ds-ai-welcome-center
- Curriculum
- Computer Science Degree Requirements
- Computer Science Degree Requirements 2019
- Artificial Intelligence Degree Requirements
- BS/MS Degree Program in CS
- 4+1 Bachelor/Master Program
- BS/MS Planning Tool
- Cooperative Education Program
- Data Science
- Data Science Capstone Requirement
- Data Science Capstone Requirement
- Database and Information Systems Track
- Data Science Degree Requirements
- datascience-prior-fall2019
- Data Science Degree Requirements
- Data Science CS (DSCS) Degree Requirements
- Data Science CS (DSCS) Degree Requirements
- Data Science Degree Requirements
- Degree +
- Honors in Computer Science
- Curriculum
- Minor in Computer Science
- Minor in Computer Science
- Curriculum Resources
- Algorithmic Foundations Track
- Computer Graphics and Visualization Track
- Computational Science and Engineering Track
- Database and Information Systems Track
- Machine Intelligence Track
- Programming Language Track
- Security Track
- Software Engineering Track
- Systems Software Track
- Algorithmic Foundations Track
- Computer Graphics and Visualization Track
- Computer Graphics and Visualization Track
- Computational Science and Engineering Track
- Computational Science and Engineering Track
- Database and Information Systems Track
- Foundations of Computer Science Track
- Machine Intelligence Track
- Machine Intelligence Track
- Programming Language Track
- Programming Language Track
- Security Track
- Security Track
- Software Engineering Track
- Software Engineering Track
- Software Engineering Senior Project
- Systems Software Track
- Systems Programming Track
- Employment
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Undergraduate Program
- CS/DS/AI Welcome Center Resources
- Scholarships
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- Undergraduate Research
- Student Concerns
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- Why choose Purdue?