Professor Dunsmore Voted Favorite Professor - Department of Computer Science - Purdue University Skip to main content

Professor Dunsmore Voted Favorite Professor


Professor Buster Dunsmore

Who's your favorite science professor? To celebrate the excellence of the College of Science faculty, the college asked alumni to cast their votes for their favorite professor. All summer the CoS tallied the votes of alumni to determine one favorite professor in each department. Congratulations to the Favorite Science Professor for the Department of Computer Science, Professor Buster Dunsmore!

Professor Dunsmore rode on the Purdue Science Student Council float in the Homecoming Parade on Friday, October 14, 2005. The float was dedicated to the Favorite Science Professors in the College of Science. Professor Dunsmore also joined the other Favorite Science Professors, some College of Science staff, and some alumni in the College of Science Homecoming tent before the game on October 15, 2005. Alumni were excited to see their favorite science professor, and Professor Dunsmore enjoyed catching up with former students.

Professor Buster Dunsmore has been a member of the Computer Science faculty since 1978. During his career, he has been honored with several teaching awards. In May of 2001 he was selected as one of three Outstanding Educators by the Indiana Information Technology Association (INITA). Professor Dunsmore is a 1996 recipient of the Charles B. Murphy Outstanding Undergraduate Teacher Award at Purdue University. He was nominated in 1998 by Purdue University for the Carnegie Foundation U.S. Professor of the Year program. In 1980 science students selected him as the Outstanding Teacher in the College of Science at Purdue University, and he has been chosen one of the Top Ten Teachers in the College of Science several different years. Just this fall Buster was selected as a Senior Faculty Mentor in the Teaching for Tomorrow Program at Purdue University.

Last Updated: Apr 5, 2017 11:00 AM

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