Preparations Begin for ACM Programming Contest

Computer Science undergraduate students have the opportunity to highlight and more fully develop their programming skills, by competing against their peers across the country. The 31st annual ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) programming contest is set to kick off this month with practice sessions run by graduate student Tomek Czajka.
Saturday Oct. 14th the final contest will be held to select the competing teams. Any interested student is welcome to try out for one of the two Purdue programming teams competing in this year's event, however students must be able to write a program in either C, C++, or Java in order to participate. Students can e-mail Czajka at or just stop by a practice session at 4:00 p.m. on Saturdays in Lawson B146. The next practice session takes place on Oct. 7th.
Students who make the final teams will participate in the regional contests, and they may have the chance of participating in the International Programming Challenge in 2007, where they could compete against their peers from across the globe. The competition spans from thousands of teams in the regionals to only 85 at the final International Competition.