CS Presence at Supercomputing Conference (SC08)

Professors Suresh Jagannathan, Voicu Popescu, and Alex Pothen will be presenting their research at the Purdue University booth at the SC08 conference on November 18. The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC08) will take place at the Austin Convention Center in Texas from November 15-21. SC08 brings researchers from all around the world together to discuss new innovations in the field of high performance computing, networking, storage and analysis.
Jagannathan will present A Uniform and Scalable Transactional Execution Environment. His research focuses on programming languages and analysis, compilation, and software engineering; implementation techniques for multicore architectures and scalable distributed systems; and storage architecture.

Popescu will present High-Performance Visualization: Transparent Geographic Distribution and Effective Dissemination. This project produced a visualization of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center. Popescu's team initially created the simulation to better understand the behavior of the building under the impact. However, their work allowed them to establish a path for producing high-quality visualizations of large scale simulations.
Pothen's presentation, Combinatorial Scientific Computing and Petascale Simulations (CSCAPES) Institute: Recent Results, focuses on combinatorial algorithms enabling petascale computational science and engineering, including parallelization and load balancing toolkits, Automatic Differentiation, and parallel graph computations. The CSCAPES Institute is a research team with members from several Universities and National Labs, and is centered at Purdue.
The Purdue brochure (PDF) lists the schedule of these talks and other talks from Purdue researchers on November 18 and 19. All participants at SC08 are welcome to attend. The faculty members will be available to discuss their research afterwards.