Hoffman Awarded Halstead Award

The 2008 Halstead Award was presented to Kevin Hoffman. The Halstead Award is presented annually to a CS graduate student who has made the most significant contributions to Software Engineering at Purdue. The recipient must exhibit ground-breaking research and development, and contribute to important publications in journals, conference proceedings, books, and other documents.
Together with his advisor, Professor Patrick Eugster, Hoffman has developed the cooperative aspect-oriented programming methodology (Co-AOP), which enhances the modularity of cross-cutting concerns by providing structured ways for base code and aspects to cooperate. In an exhaustive empirical study comparing Co-AOP to traditional aspect-oriented programming and object-oriented programming, Hoffman was able to show that Co-AOP significantly improves software reusability and extensibility. Hoffman and Eugster have presented their work at the 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering and the 2007 ACM International Conference on the Principles and Practice of Programming in Java, and an article will soon appear in Elsevier's Science of Computer Programming. Hoffman's other research interests include language runtimes and memory management systems for multicore computing, dynamic program analysis, automated debugging, and reputation systems. Hoffman, who is expected to graduate in fall of 2010, has worked for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories and on the Windows Media Center at Microsoft.
The Halstead Award winner is selected by a faculty committee from nominations submitted by Computer Science faculty. Hoffman was presented a plaque and $4000 at the annual Computer Science Awards Banquet.