Spafford Named Distinguished Fellow of ISSA

Professor Eugene Spafford has been named a Distinguished Fellow of the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA). He earned this distinction for his leadership in foundational research in security technology, his leading role in development of influential educational programs, and his long-time advocacy and public service in information security. This is the highest honor given by the ISSA, and it follows Spafford's selection of the ISSA Hall of Fame in 2001.
Spafford is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and the founder and executive director of the Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS). He is a fellow of the ACM, the AAAS, IEEE, and of the (ISC)2. He has recently been recognized by the CRA with a Distinguished Service Award. He also received the Information Security Security 7 Award, and the UPE Abacus Award.
ISSA is an international association of information security practitioners who work to protect privacy, data and systems for businesses, government, education, health care and law enforcement.