Spafford Receives Outstanding Achievement Award at WORLDCOMP'11

left to right: Professor Hamid Arabnia (WORLDCOMP General Chair), Professor Toomas Plaks (ERSA General Chair), Professor Eugene Spafford
On July 18, 2011, Dr. Gene Spafford was one of the keynote speakers at WORLDCOMP'11 (the 2011 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing), a federation of 22 simultaneous conferences held in Las Vegas. His lecture was titled "The Nature of Cyber Security" (see abstract here).
Following his presentation, Dr. Spafford was presented with an Outstanding Achievement Award, "in recognition of his leadership, outstanding research contributions, and pioneering work in computer security."
Congratulations to Professor Spafford on receiving this recognition!
In related news, Dr. Spafford and CERIAS (of which he is Executive Director) have been cited in multiple news stories about data security recently. To view some of these stories, see SC Magazine, NPR, China Daily, The Public Eye with Eric Chabrow, and The New York Times.
AUGUST UPDATE: Dr. Spafford can also be heard championing the idea of a cybersecurity extension agent in this podcast from (transcript here).
SEPTEMBER UPDATE: More press coverage of Dr. Spafford and his work can be found at
OCTOBER UPDATE: Dr. Spafford is featured in an article for the Government Computer News.