Center for Quantum Technologies launches Industry-University Cooperative Research Center program

(left to right) Wojciech Szpankowski, Saul Rosen Distinguished Professor of Computer Science; Sabre Kais, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Physics, Professor of Computer Science (courtesy); and Eric Samperton, Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science.
Purdue’s most recent quantum leap has been three years in the making.
The Center for Quantum Technologies (CQT) has launched the first phase of an Industry-University Cooperative Research Center (IUCRC) program with the help of a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Purdue President Mung Chiang and Executive Vice President for Research Karen Plaut gave opening remarks at the launch event on February 16 and 17.
“Quantum technologies have the potential to transform nearly all aspects of our lives, from computing to healthcare to transportation and beyond,” said Plaut. “The CQT brings together experts from academia, industry, and government to accelerate innovation and bolster the quantum ecosystem, and Purdue is excited to lead this initiative.”
Purdue University will be the lead site in developing quantum technologies and be joined by researchers from Indiana University, the University of Notre Dame, and Indiana University Purdue University – Indianapolis (IUPUI).
Purdue CS Affiliated faculty are Wojciech Szpankowski, Saul Rosen Distinguished Professor of Computer Science; Sabre Kais, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Physics, Professor of Computer Science (courtesy); and Eric Samperton, Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science.
“This collaboration allows us to leverage our collective research expertise to address the many challenges facing multiple industries using quantum technology,” said Sabre Kais, center director and distinguished professor of chemical physics in Purdue’s College of Science. “As a university with world-leading engineering and science programs, and faculty members whose work focuses on many areas of quantum research, Purdue is a natural leader for this center.”
Collaborators include Gerardo Ortiz, Indiana University site director and professor of physics at Indiana University, Peter Kogge, Notre Dame site director and the McCourtney Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Notre Dame, and Ricardo Decca, IUPUI campus director and professor and department chair of physics at IUPUI.
The IUCRC program enables use-inspired, industry-relevant research through multi-member partnerships across academia, industry, and government. The NSF provides financial and procedural framework for the center’s operations, while the CQT’s members fund, select, and guide the research projects through a collective voting process and mentoring. Members receive a multitude of benefits, including access to talent, significant leverage on investment, and networking opportunities within the vibrant center ecosystem.
At the launch meeting, faculty had the opportunity to pitch ideas for research to be funded by the Center. The projects chosen by the members will allow students to work on industry relevant research alongside a mentor from one or more of the member organizations. Students engaged with the center will take on many of the responsibilities of principal investigators, including drafting proposals, presenting research updates to members and planning meetings and workshops.
Membership fees fund the research projects within the Center and the partners currently include the Air Force Research Laboratory, AWS, Cummins, D-Wave, Eli Lilly, Entanglement Inc., Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Northrop Grumman, NSWC Crane, Quantum Innovative Solutions, Qrypt, and Toyota.
Parts of this press release originally appeared here.