Adventures in CS Camp FAQ - Department of Computer Science - Purdue University Skip to main content

Adventures in Computer Science Camp: Frequently Asked Questions

When do I need to bring my child to campus for the start of camp?

The drop-off period for students starts at 3 pm on the Sunday afternoon of camp week. During the following hour, as we await all of our campers arrival, students will have a chance to take their items up to their dorm rooms, meet their roommate for the week, and interact with our camp counselors. Parents will be asked to stay for a short meeting at approximately 3:45 to review camp policies and allow for a question and answer period with camp director, Phil Sands. Students will begin camp activities at 4 pm.


When will I need to pick up my child at the end of camp?

Camp ends after the luncheon on Friday, and parents will be asked to accompany their students to the dormitory to retrieve their items by no later than 2 pm. Parents are encouraged to come as early as 11 am on Friday. The luncheon will begin promptly at 11:30 am.


When is the luncheon, and do we need to come to this?

The catered luncheon is from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm on the Friday of camp week. This is an opportunity for us to celebrate all of the excellent work that your campers did during the week. The luncheon is buffet-style, and attendees will be treated to a video review of the week afterwards. We will also allow students to share their work, and provide some special awards for exemplary work during the week. We would love all parents and guardians to come for this event! 


Where are the students staying during camp week?

The students will be staying in one of the dormitories on campus, which is usually determined in March based on availability. Most years, this will be either the Hillenbrand dormitory or the McCutcheon Dormitory. Both are located on the west side of campus.


Will girls and boys be staying together in the dorms?

All of our students will be staying in the same dormitory, but our campers are separated to two different floors based on gender. Our camp counselors also stay in the dormitories with the campers and separate based on gender.


What do they need to bring to the dorms?

Students are provided with linens, pillows and a blanket for their beds, and towels to use in the bathroom. It has been suggested that students bring one blanket in the event the dorms get too cold at night. Students will need to pack 5 days worth of clothes, including a sweatshirt for wearing in the air-conditioned computer labs. They should have comfortable walking shoes, as we will move between the dorm and labs frequently. Students will not need a bathing suit. A complete set of toiletries is recommended, including soap, shampoo, deodorant, a toothbrush and toothpaste.


Should my student bring a computer with them?

Students will work in Purdue computer labs during the day, and so they will not need their own computer. We discourage students from bringing devices that would keep them from interacting with their peers throughout the week, and particularly during their time socializing in the dorms.


Does my student have to stay in the dormitory overnight?

We strongly encourage students to stay in the dormitory overnight. We understand that some of our younger students may not be ready to be away from home for an entire week, but we still ask parents and guardians to be open-minded to letting their students try an overnight with us. The benefits of this bonding experience for both their social development and their independence is something that we believe is of value. Parents can come visit their campers at the end of the day, and our counselors will make their contact information available to you so that you can call when you have arrived at the dorm. We will bring students down to you, as no one is allowed to come to the campers' floor during the week.


What will campers be eating during the week?

Campers will eat most of their meals in the dining hall of their dormitory. The facilities will offer a large variety of hot and cold meal options during the week, including items for vegetarians and individuals with other dietary needs. Parents should alert camp staff of special food requirements, as the dining halls can accommodate most needs with advance notice. The campers will have two or three meals outside of the dining hall, which will include a cookout, and a pizza night.


What is a typical camp day like?

The schedule for the week varies from year to year, but the general pattern is as follows:

07:00 am Breakfast

08:00 am First instructional session

09:30 am Snack break

09:45 am Second instructional session

11:30 am Lunch

12:30 pm Third instructional session

02:00 pm Outdoor activity

03:00 pm Fourth instructional session

05:00 pm Dinner

06:00 pm Evening activity or open lab

09:00 pm Back at dorm for recreational time

10:00 pm Lights out


What kinds of activities will the students engage in during the evenings?

The evening periods are often reserved for some fun activities, which in the past have included: movie night at Lawson; bowling at Purdue Memorial Union; game night in Lawson Commons, kickball or capture the flag at the Purdue Athletic Fields. We also break up the week at Purdue with special activities, such as our afternoon with local engineer and Lego Robotics enthusiast Steve Hassenplug and his Super Robo Rally game, tours of Purdue athletic facilities, and presentations by Purdue faculty regarding some of our special labs and equipment.


Can your staff manage my student's medications?

Due to liability concerns, we cannot manage a student's medications. All of our camp staff are CPR / First Aid certified for emergency situations, but we cannot hold, nor distribute medication. If your students has specific needs, please contact Phil Sands and he will do his best to accommodate you, or to help find a solution for the week of camp.

Last Updated: Feb 7, 2020 2:41 PM

Department of Computer Science, 305 N. University Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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