Gustavo Adolfo Junipero Rodriguez-rivera
Associate Teaching Professor of Computer Science

Besides many other teaching awards, Dr. Gustavo Rodriguez-Rivera was awarded the ACM Faculty Award in Computer Science 2020, 2023, and Best Teacher in the School of Science in 2014, 2016. Gustavo has more than 20 years of teaching experience. In his classes He emphasizes Systems Programming and Software Engineering. Gustavo's main areas of research are Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Memory Management, Embedded, and Real-Time Systems. He is also inte… ↓More
Joined department: 2000
Ph.D., Purdue University, Computer Science (1998)
M.S,, ITESM Campus Monterrey, Mexico, Electrical Engineering (1990)
B.S., ITESM Campus Monterrey, Mexico, Electrical Engineering (1985)
Besides many other teaching awards, Dr. Gustavo Rodriguez-Rivera was awarded the ACM Faculty Award in Computer Science 2020, 2023, and Best Teacher in the School of Science in 2014, 2016. Gustavo has more than 20 years of teaching experience. In his classes He emphasizes Systems Programming and Software Engineering. Gustavo's main areas of research are Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Memory Management, Embedded, and Real-Time Systems. He is also interested in Numerical Analysis, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Signal Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Data Structures, and Speech Recognition.
Selected Publications
Gustavo Rodriguez-Rivera, Jeffrey A. Turkstra, Jordan Buckmaster, Killian LeClainche, Shawn Montgomery, William Reed, Ryan Sullivan, Jarett Lee: Tracking Large Class Projects in Real-Time Using Fine-Grained Source Control. SIGCSE (1) 2022: 565-570
Rowan Hart, Brian Hays, Connor McMillin, El Kindi Rezig, Gustavo Rodriguez-Rivera, Jeffrey A. Turkstra: Eastwood-Tidy: C Linting for Automated Code Style Assessment in Programming Courses. SIGCSE (1) 2023: 799-805
Kim, S., Adams, D.E., Sohn, H., Rodriguez-Rivera, G., Myrent, N., Bond, R., Vitek, J., Carr, S., Grama, A., and Meyer, J.,, ""Crack Detection Technique for Operation Wind Turbine Blades Using Vibro-Acoustic Modulation,"", (invited paper) (2014), Structural Health Monitoring: An International Journal,, Acknowledgements. Support for this work is provided by the National Science Foundation under grant CNS 1136045
Gustavo Rodriguez-Rivera, Mike Spertus, and Charles Fiterman, "Conservative Garbage Collection for General Memory Allocators", ISMM2000 International Symposium on Memory Management,
Gustavo Rodriguez-Rivera and Vince Russo, "Nonintrusive Cloning Garbage Collection with Stock Operating System Support", Software-Practice and Experience , Vol 27, No. 8, August 1997