Tamal Krishna Dey
Professor of Computer Science

Tamal Dey's primary research area is Computational Geometry and Topology with applications to topological data analysis, geometric modeling, computer graphics, and mesh generation. He has (co)authored two books``Curve and surface reconstruction: Algorithms with Mathematical Analysis" published by Cambridge University Press and "Delaunay Mesh Generation" published by CRC Press. Recently, he finished coauthoring another book ``Computational Topology for Data… ↓More
Joined department: Fall 2020
Research Areas
- Graphics, Visualization, and Geometric Modeling
- Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Natural Language Processing
- Theory of Computing, Algorithms, and Quantum Computing
Post-doctorate, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Computer Science (1992)
PhD, Purdue University, Computer Science (1991)
Masters, Indian Institute of Science, Computer Science (1987)
Bachelor of Engineering, Jadavpur University, Electronics & Telecommunications (1985)
Tamal Dey's primary research area is Computational Geometry and Topology with applications to topological data analysis, geometric modeling, computer graphics, and mesh generation. He has (co)authored two books``Curve and surface reconstruction: Algorithms with Mathematical Analysis" published by Cambridge University Press and "Delaunay Mesh Generation" published by CRC Press. Recently, he finished coauthoring another book ``Computational Topology for Data Analysis" to be published by Cambridge University Press in 2022. (Co)author of more than 200 scientific articles, Dey is an IEEE and ACM Fellow. He has also been inducted as a Fellow by Solid Modleing Association. He serves in various editorial and executive boards and routinely gives invited lectures at various academic forums.
Before joining Purdue, he was a faculty at the Computer Science & Engineering department of the Ohio State University (1999--2020) where he led the Jyamiti research group on geometric and topological data analysis and headed the NSF sponsored TGDA TRIPODS Phase I Institute. He was the interim Chair of the department at OSU (2019-2020). For more details, see the Wikipedia page and homepage https://www.cs.purdue.edu/home...
Selected Publications
T. K. Dey. Curve and Surface Reconstruction : Algorithms with Mathematical Analysis. Cambridge University Press, New York, 2007.
S.-W. Cheng, T. K. Dey, J. R. Shewchuk. Delaunay Mesh Generation. CRC Press. December, 2012.
T. K. Dey and Y. Wang. Computational Topology for Data Analysis. Cambridge University Press, 2022. A free electronic copy is available: https://www.cs.purdue.edu/home...
T. K. Dey, H. Edelsbrunner and S. Guha. Computational Topology. Invited in Advances in Discrete and Computational Geometry, eds. B. Chazelle, J. E. Goodman and R. Pollack. Contemporary Mathematics 223, AMS, Providence, 1999, 109--143.
T. K. Dey. Improved bounds for planar $k$-sets and related problems. Invited in Discrete Comput. Geom., Vol. 19, No. 3 (1998), 373--382. Prelim. version in 37th IEEE FOCS (1997), 156--161.