Invitation to Join CS User Study Participant Pool
Dear Computer Science Student,
We are inviting you to join the Computer Science (CS) User Study Participant Pool, i.e., an email list through which computer science user study participation opportunities are disseminated. Once the CS User Study Participant Pool email list is established, that will be the only channel through which CS user study opportunities will be disseminated. The email list is implemented through a Purdue listserv.
- Your participation is voluntary.
- Enrolling in the participant pool does not enroll you in a specific study, it simply adds your email address to the email list so you can receive emails about future user studies.
- There are no eligibility criteria for being part of the participant pool, other than being a CS undergraduate or graduate student.
- Individual studies do have their own eligibility criteria that you have to meet before actually enrolling in a study.
- All user studies advertised through the email list are approved by Purdue’s Institutional Review Board (IRB).
- All user studies advertised through the email list have principal investigators from CS.
- You can leave the participant pool at any time. See appendix below for instructions on how to unsubscribe from the email list.
- There is no compensation for being part of the CS User Study Participant Pool. Individual studies advertised through the email list might compensate their participants.
- Deciding not to participate does not have any negative effects on your relationship with the CS Department or with any individual faculty member.
- The email list is managed by CS administrative staff, who are the only ones sending emails to the list.
To subscribe:
- Address an email message to
- Leave the subject blank
- In the body of the message enter: subscribe cshumansubjects Your_First_Name Your_Last_Name
- Send the message. You should receive a confirmation message that you were successfully subscribed.
To unsubscribe:
- Address an email message to
- Leave the subject blank
- In the body of the message, type signoff cshumansubjects
- Send the message. You should receive a confirmation email that you have been removed from the list.
Patricia Morgan
Senior Administrative Staff, Computer Science, Purdue
Voicu Popescu
Principal Investigator, Computer Science, Purdue
Purdue IRB Number: IRB-2024-811