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Graduate Level Variable Title Courses
Beginning in Fall 2021, Computer Science graduate level variable title courses will be offered as described below. CS graduate seminars allow students to explore new and cutting edge topics that are not part of the regular curriculum. Students are encouraged to broaden their knowledge via these courses. The guidelines regarding inclusion on your formal Graduate School Plan of Study are below.
- CS 59000*** (Individual Study Course) - will be used exclusively for Individual Study offerings.
- Approved as an elective for non-thesis MS students only (maximum of two)
- Before a course can be approved on a plan of study, a detailed one-page course description approved by the CS faculty instructor (PDF) must be submitted to csgrad@purdue.edu.
- See CS Grad Student Registration for details on how to register for individual study courses
- CS 59200 (Seminar Course) - is a course that deviates from a traditional course structure by emphasizing student presentations and projects over lectures, assignments, and exams.
- Course offerings are reviewed each semester to determine if they will be permitted on a PhD plan of study or as an MS plan elective
- Use regular registration to enroll in these courses.
- CS 59300 (Traditional Course) - will be used for topics not currently covered in the CS graduate curriculum. Each offering follows a traditional course structure with textbook(s), assignments, exams, and week-by-week content synopsis described in a syllabus. A CS 59300 offering does not imply that a course is intended to become, or will become, a regular course in the CS graduate curriculum.
- Course offerings are reviewed each semester to determine if they will be permitted on a PhD plan of study or as an MS plan elective.
- Use regular registration to enroll in these courses
Course number |
Title (PDF syllabus linked) |
Instructor |
Days/Time |
Location |
OK MS as elective |
OK PhD as 1 of 6 |
CS 59200HWS | Hardware Security | Jing Tian | TTH 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm | LWSN B134 |
no |
no |
CS 59200MLS | Machine Learning Systems | Xupeng Miao | MWF 11:30 am - 12:20 pm | LWSN B134 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59300-CVD | Comp Vision With Deep Learning | Raymond Yeh | TTH 4:30 pm - 5:45 pm | BHEE 236 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59300HCI | Human-Computer Interaction | Sooyeon Jeong | TTH 9:00 am - 10:15 am | LWSN 1106 | yes |
yes |
CS 59300RLI | Reinforcement Learning | Joseph Campbell | TTH 10:30 am - 11:45 am | LWSN 1106 |
yes |
yes |
Course number |
Title (PDF syllabus linked) |
Instructor |
Days/Time |
Location |
OK MS as elective |
OK PhD as 1 of 6 |
CS 59000VR1* | Extended Reality | Aniket Bera | TTH 3:30p - 4:20p | HAAS G066 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200HWS | Hardware Security | Dave Tian | MW 6:00p-7:15p | LWSN B134 |
no |
no |
CS 59200PHA | Password&Human Authentication | Jeremiah Blocki | TTH 1:30p - 2:45p | GRIS 133 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200RXR | Res Topics In Extended Reality | Voicu Popescu | TTh 10:30am - 11:45am | GRIS 133 |
no |
no |
CS 59200SAA | Socially Assistive Agents | Sooyeon Jeong | MWF 11:30am - 12:20p | LWSN 1106 |
yes |
no |
CS 59300SER | Software Engineering for Robotics | Zachary Kingston | TTH 12:00p - 1:15p | GRIS 133 |
yes |
no |
*course has PSO's and is counted as 592/593 for plans of study
Course number |
Title (PDF syllabus linked) |
Instructor |
Days/Time |
Location |
OK MS as elective |
OK PhD as 1 of 6 |
CS 59200AIS | AI and Security | Xiangyu Zhang | TTh 10:30am - 11:45am | LWSN 1106 |
no |
no |
CS 59200-CGP | Compilers For GPUs | Zhiyuan Li | TTh 10:30am - 11:45am | LWSN B134 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200LLM | Reasoning with LLM | Abulhair Saparov* | TTh 3:00pm - 4:15pm | LWSN 1106 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200MLS | Machine Learning Systems | Yupeng Miao* | TTh 4:30pm - 5:45pm | BRNG 1254 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200-MP1 | Motion Planning | Aniket Bera | M 12:30pm - 3:20pm | WALC 3154 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200RM | Zachary Kingston* | TTh 1:30pm - 2:45pm | LWSN 1106 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200STC | Aarushi Goel* | M 11:30am - 2:20pm | LWSN B134 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59300AE | Alex Psomas | TTh 1:30pm - 2:45pm | LWSN B134 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59300-CVD | Comp Vision With Deep Learning | Raymond A. Yeh | MWF 12:30pm - 1:20pm | BHEE 236 |
yes |
yes |
Human-Robot Interaction | Sooyeon Jeong | TTh 9:00am - 10:15am | BHEE 236 |
yes |
yes |
Machine Learning Theory | Steve Hanneke | TTH 12:00pm - 1:15pm | LWSN 1106 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59300-PCA | Principles Comp Architecture | Mohammadkazem Taram | TTH 4:30pm - 5:45pm | LWSN 1106 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200RLI | Reinforcement Learning | Joseph Campbell* | MW 4:30pm - 5:45pm | LWSN B134 |
yes |
yes |
* - New Faculty fall 2024
Course number |
Title (PDF syllabus linked) |
Instructor |
Days/Time |
Location |
OK MS as elective |
OK PhD as 1 of 6 |
CS 59000-VRO | Introduction to VR/AR | Voicu S. Popescu | TTh 10:30am-11:45am |
yes |
no |
CS 59200-ASE | AI-Assisted Software Engr | Tianyi Zhang | TTh 12:00pm-1:15pm | LWSN B134 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200-HAI | Human-AI Interaction | Ming Ying | M 3:30pm-6:20pm | LWSN 1106 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59300-IQC |
Intro To Quantum Computing | Eric Samperton | TTh 10:30pm-11:45am | GRIS 133 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59300-PCA | Principles Comp Architecture | Mohammadkazem Taram | TTh 4:30pm-5:45pm | GRIS 133 |
yes |
yes |
Course number |
Title (PDF syllabus linked) |
Instructor |
Days/Time |
Location |
OK MS as elective |
OK PhD as 1 of 6 |
CS 59200-CGS | Gen Methods In Comp Graphics | Bedrich Benes | MW 4:30pm-5:45pm | LWSN B134 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200-HRI | Human-Robot Interaction | Sooyeon Jeong | TTH 9:00am-10:15am | LWSN B134 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200-LLM | Adv Topics In Reasoning W/ LLM |
Dan Goldwasser Instructor approval required |
TTH 1:30pm-2:45pm | LWSN B134 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200-MP | Motion Planning | Aniket Bera | W 2:30pm-5:20pm | WALC 3138 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59300-MLT | Machine Learning Theory | Stephen Robert Hanneke | TTh 12:00pm-1:15pm | LWSN 1106 |
yes |
yes |
Course number |
Title (PDF syllabus linked) |
Instructor |
Days/Time |
Location |
OK MS as elective |
OK PhD as 1 of 6 |
CS 59000-VR0 | Introduction To VR/AR | Aniket Bera | MWF 9:30am-10:20pm | LWSN B134 |
yes |
no |
CS 59200-DDS | Disaggregated Database Systems | Jianguo Wang | TTH 4:30pm-5:45pm | GRIS 133 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200-TPL | Adv Topics In Types And PL | Benjamin J. Delaware | TTH 12:00pm-1:15pm | GRIS 133 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59300-AE | Algorithmic Economics | Alexandros Psomas | MWF 11:30am-12:20pm | GRIS 133 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59300-MAS | Microarchitecture Security | Mohammadkazem Taram | TTH 1:30pm-2:45pm | REC 103 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59300-ROB | Robotics | Ahmed Qureshi | TTH 9:00am-10:15am | LWSN 1106 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59300-TDA | Topological Data Analysis | Tamal Krishna Dey | TTH 1:30pm-2:45pm | GRIS 133 |
yes |
yes |
CS 690000-DPL | Deep Learning | Bruno Ribeiro | TTH 4:30pm-5:45pm | LWSN 1106 |
yes |
yes |
Course number |
Title (PDF syllabus linked) |
Instructor |
Days/Time |
Location |
OK MS as elective |
OK PhD as 1 of 6 |
CS 59200BDS |
Aref, Walid G |
TTH 1:30pm-2:45pm |
KRAN G004 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200DOM |
Distributed Optimization for Machine Learning |
Bullins, Brian* |
TTH 1:30pm-2:45pm |
LWSN 1106 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200MDH |
Modeling Digital & Real Humans |
Bera, Aniket* |
TTH 10:30am-11:45am |
HAMP 1113 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200NPS |
Samanta, Roopsha |
TTH 10:30am-11:45am |
GRIS 133 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200PML |
Zhang, Ruqi* |
TTH 12:00pm-1:15pm |
LWSN B134 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200RSS |
Sousa Da Fonsec, Pedro Jose |
TTH 4:30pm-5:45pm |
GRIS 133 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200TMP |
Yeh, Raymond A* |
TTH 10:30am-11:45am |
LWSN B134 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59300ACA |
Qian, Xuehai* |
TTh 10:30am-11:45am |
BCHM 102 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59300CLG |
Li, Pan |
TTH 3:00pm-4:15pm |
LWSN B134 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59300HAI |
Zhang, Tianyi |
TTH 4:30pm-5:45pm |
LWSN B134 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59300MLT |
Hanneke, Stephen Robert |
TTH 9:00am-10:15am |
GRIS 133 |
yes |
yes |
*New Faculty Member
Course number |
Title (syllabus linked) |
Instructor |
Days/Time |
Location |
OK MS as elective |
OK PhD as 1 of 6 |
CS 59000DSP |
Data Security & Privacy |
Li, Ninghui |
TTH 10:30am-11:45am |
LWSN B134 |
yes |
no |
CS 59000VR |
Popescu, Voicu |
TTH 12:00pm-1:15pm |
LWSN B134 |
yes |
no |
CS 59200AGT |
Algorithmic Game Theory |
Branzei, Simina |
TTH 10:30am-11:45am |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200AIT |
AI Techniques In Cybersecurity |
Bertino, Elisa |
TTH 9:00am-10:15am |
LWSN 1106 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200ATK |
Maji, Hemanta K |
TTH 12:00pm-1:15pm |
AR 102 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59000CLC |
Cloud Computing (PDF) |
Comer, Douglas |
TTH 4:30pm-5:45pm |
KNOY B033 |
yes |
no |
CS 59200CAC |
Jung, Changhee |
MW 4:30pm-5:45pm |
WALC 3084 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200ICS |
IoT/CPS Security (PDF) |
Celik, Berkay |
MW 4:30pm-5:45pm |
LWSN 1106 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200IML |
Interpretability In ML |
Khanna, Rajiv |
TTH 3:00pm-4:15pm |
LWSN B134 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200IVZ |
Information Visualization |
Tricoche, Xavier |
MWF 9:30am-10:20am |
LWSN B134 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200NIV |
Peng, Chunyi |
MWF 10:30am-11:20am |
LWSN B134 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59300RL |
Azizzadenesheli, Kamyar |
M 1:30pm-4:20pm |
ME 1009 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59300ROB |
Qureshi, Ahmed |
TTH 9:00am-10:15am |
LWSN B134 |
yes |
yes |
CS 69000DPL |
Deep Learning |
Ribeiro, Bruno |
TTH 12:00pm-1:15pm |
BRNG 1268 |
yes |
yes |
Course number |
Title (syllabus linked) |
Instructor |
Days/Time |
Location |
OK MS as elective |
OK PhD as 1 of 6 |
CS 59200ADS |
Zhang, Yongle |
TTH 4:30-5:45 |
LWSN B134 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200AIS |
Xue, Yexiang |
MW 4:30-5:45 |
LWSN B134 |
no |
no |
CS 59200AST |
Bianchi, Antonio |
TTH 3:00-4:15 |
UNIV 019 |
no |
no |
CS 59200ATC |
Rompf, Tiark |
TTH 4:30-5:45 |
LWSN 1106 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200HAI |
Zhang, Tianyi* |
MWF 10:30-11:20 |
LWSN B134 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200HLT |
Honorio, Jean |
TTH 4:30-5:45 |
BRNG B248 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200IRM |
Qureshi, Ahmed* |
TTH 3:00-4:15 |
LWSN B134 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200MLA |
Valiant, Paul* |
M 11:30-2:20 |
PSYC 3102 |
yes |
yes | |
CS 59200MLT |
Machine Learning Theory |
Hanneke, Steve* |
TTH 1:30-2:45 |
REC 315 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200MML |
Makur, Anuran* |
MW 4:30-5:45 |
REC 103 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200PDP |
Shahbaz, Muhammad |
TTH 12:00-1:15 |
LWSN B134 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200SRA |
Tan, Lin |
TTH 1:30-2:45 |
PHYS 111 |
yes |
yes |
CS 59200TCC |
Tian, Dave |
MW 6:00-7:15 |
LWSN 1106 |
no |
no |
CS 59200VSS |
Jagannathan, Suresh |
TTH 1:30-2:45 |
PHYS 110 |
no |
yes |
CS 59300ATA |
Quanrud, Kent |
F 11:30-2:20 |
REC 123 |
yes |
yes |
CS 69000SLM |
Honorio, Jean |
TTH 10:30-11:45 |
HAMP 2117 |
yes |
yes |
*New Faculty Member
**All requests will be reviewed by instructor, limit 15 students
***CS 59000 and 69000 lecture courses included above fall under the same guidelines as CS 59200 and 59300 courses. These seminars and new courses in development previously offered as CS59000 or CS69000 will retain the original temporary number until the permanent number is assigned.
CS 59000 one credit courses are not included in the above lists as they are not eligible for inclusion on a plan of study.