Week 1: Introduction to Growth Mindset - Building a Foundation for Success
Introduction to Growth Mindset
Objective: Introduce growth mindset concepts and provide multiple ways for students to engage with and reflect on their mindset.
Starter Activity: Engaging Video & Discussion
Video Options by Grade Level:
Select an age-appropriate video (e.g., The Power of Yet for elementary, The Superpower of Yet for middle school, or Eduardo Briceño’s TED Talk for high school).
Discussion Prompts:
- "What is a growth mindset, and how is it different from a fixed mindset?"
- "What stood out to you in the video? How can the idea of 'yet' change how you view challenges?"
Mini-Lesson: Fixed vs. Growth Mindset
Introduce the concepts with a simple visual or chart comparing fixed and growth mindsets.
Class Brainstorm: Students share examples of each mindset they’ve experienced (either verbally or by adding to the online board if they prefer anonymity).
Interactive Activity: "Mindset Match-Up"
- In pairs or groups, students rewrite fixed mindset statements into growth mindset statements.
- Share examples as a class.
Reflection: Personal Growth Pledge
Provide students with two options:
- Write a personal pledge in their journal or on a private sticky note.
- Post anonymously to the online board under the prompt:
- "Think about a challenge you’re facing right now. How can you approach it with a growth mindset?"
Online Board: A Safe Space
Purpose: Encourage anonymous sharing for students who may feel shy about speaking up.
Prompts to Post:
- "What’s one challenge you’re working on reframing with a growth mindset?"
- "Share a time you overcame a challenge with persistence."
Connection to Goals & Practical Application
Class discussion:
- "How do you think having a growth mindset can help you achieve your goals this year?"
- "What’s one action you’ll take this week to practice a growth mindset?"
Journaling Preview Prompt:
- Introduce the idea of journaling for reflection:
"Next week, we’ll begin keeping a journal to reflect on how we’re developing a growth mindset. For now, think about today’s lesson. What’s one thing you learned about growth mindset, and how might it help you face a challenge this week?"
(Optional: Students can share their thoughts verbally, post them to the online board, or jot them down on a sticky note for themselves.)
Mindset Mantra
Mantra Example: "Mistakes are proof that you’re learning."
Students write the mantra somewhere meaningful (sticky notes, journals, or the class board).
Teacher's Note
Logistics for the Online Board
- Set up a Padlet or Jamboard in advance with a simple, accessible link or QR code.
- Post clear guidelines for respectful and appropriate participation.
- Check the board regularly to ensure it remains a positive space.