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- General Overview
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- LWSN Conference Rooms
- Instructional Labs
- Remote access to CS Facilities
- Keys, Desks and Mailboxes
- Emergency Support
- Purdue IT Facilities
- Oracle Access
- CS Devices Lab
- DSAI Emergency Plan
- Printing and Scanning
- LWSN Emergency Plan
Undergraduate Account Policies
This policy document governs the use of the computing facilities made available to CS Undergraduates and applies in addition to the standard CS Department Acceptable Use Policy.
Lab Access
The workstations in CS instructional labs will be available for use during open lab hours. Remote access to UNIX/Linux workstations via SSH is allowed at all times.
Disk Space
As of fall 2012 we now have a quota of 1GB on undergrad career and instructional accounts (prior to fall 2012 we had no quotas).
Games and Other Non-Academic Use
Be reasonable. If you're not affecting anyone, no one will care. If you are affecting anyone, we will do what is necessary to make sure you stop, including freezing your account.
Food or drinks are discouraged in the workstation labs. If you have food or drink in the labs, be careful not to spill it on keyboards or machines. It is your responsibility to leave the work area clean for the next user.
Account Use
You must not allow others to use your account. Giving others your password, adding them to your .rhosts/.shosts/authorized_keys file, logging them into the workstation next to you, or any other form of account sharing can result in the loss of your account.
Please keep printing to a minimum - to help reduce monetary costs to the department and the environmental impact. Use on-line previewers (xdvi, gv, xpdf, Adobe reader, etc), and print text files "two up" and duplexed.
Backups and Restores
To guard against the effects of disk failures, all user files are backed up according to the backup schedule. If you inadvertently delete a file, it may be possible to restore it. Submit restore requests through the trouble web form (see below) or email to IT staff.
Reporting Problems
Use the trouble web form by following the Submit a request or report a problem link on our Help page (http://support.cs.purdue.edu/help/)
Violation of these policies may result in your account and the files within being frozen for one or more days.
Contact Us: IT Staff
Last Updated: February 11, 2013