Purdue Stack Club Seeking an Officer of Marketing Position
Purdue Stack is the premier software engineering club at Purdue University, dedicated to hands-on full-stack development and real-world applications. Our mission is to bridge the gap between classroom learning and industry experience by working on impactful projects for companies, startups, and campus organizations.
We're looking for an Officer of Marketing. Your role will involve creating content and managing Stack's social media presence. The time commitment for this position will be around 3 hours a week.
If interested, please fill out the interest form at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeIH31WuzatLvGzK4BAE1dnaNyLl9D63suV62KC1p4A-BrraQ/viewform or https://tinyurl.com/stack-marketing-interest.
For any questions or concerns, please reach out to purduestack@gmail.com.