CS Dept Head Looking to Feature Student-created Artwork, 12/2 Deadline
Purdue CS Art Installation Application
Professor Drineas, Head of the Department of Computer Science, is looking to feature student-created artwork in his office.
Selected artists will have their artwork displayed in Professor Drineas' office and earn an Amazon gift card.
Some parameters:
Artists can choose whatever medium they are comfortable with, as long as it is able to be displayed on a wall (3-D sculptures might be a little difficult).
Artists will have winter break to complete their projects.
The artwork should reflect at least one of the following areas, that are central to the department.
- First CS department in the nation (our past)
- "Two locations, one department." West Lafayette and Indianapolis
- Excellence at scale as one of the largest CS departments (our present and future)
- Areas of strength (security, machine learning, data science, artificial intelligence, software engineering, systems engineering and computational science and engineering)
- Purdue initiatives (Purdue Computes, OneHealth and Purdue Indianapolis)
- Purdue CS in action/the impact of Purdue CS
Important dates:
Monday, December 2 - Applications are DUE by 11:59pm
Friday, December 6 - Artists will be selected and notified.
Monday, December 16 - Winter Break begins
Monday, January 14 - Spring Semester begins
Friday, January 17 - Completed artwork is to be turned in by 5pm