Invite to Participate in User Study to Evaluate Interaction with a Robot
Hi Everyone,
We are conducting a user study to evaluate interaction with the social robot.
We are seeking participants who are 18 years of age and older to participate in
the experiments. The participants and social robot will answer a set of questions
to understand about themselves more. If you decide to participate in the study,
you might interact with a robot that uses a Large Language Model (LLM)
during the conversation.
This study will take no more than one hour, and the participant will receive
a $30 Amazon gift card. The participant must also physically sign their name
in our lab, HAAS 224.
If you are interested, please first take the screening survey and your availability
in this link (it will take less than 5 minutes).Please email
with any comments or questions.
Thank you,
PI Sooyeon Yeong,
IRB NUMBER: IRB-2024-707
ACHIEVE: Perceived Empathy from Active Listening Social Robot