CS 422  Computer Networks

  Department of Computer Sciences  
  Purdue University
Spring 2005


All lecture notes and electronic course material, unless otherwise specified, are in pdf format.

Lecture Notes
  • Introduction   Part 1 (pdf) || Part 2 (pdf)
  • Fundamentals of Information Transmission and Coding   Part 1 (pdf) || Part 2 (pdf) || Part 3 (pdf)
  • Direct Link Communication I: Basic Techniques and Wired Media   Part 1 (pdf) || Part 2 (pdf) || Part 3 (pdf)
  • Overview of Socket Programming [see lecture notes; additional references in TA notes]
  • Direct Link Communication II: Wireless Media   Part 1 (pdf) [wireless signal and throughput diversity examples] || Part 2 (pdf)
  • Midterm: 3/24/05 [in class, closed note/book, covers material until 3/22/05]
  • End-to-end Communication: Structure of IP, UDP, and TCP   Part 1 (pdf) || Part 2 (pdf)
  • Congestion Control   Part 1 (pdf) || Part 2 (pdf)
  • Routing   Part 1 (pdf) || Part 2 (pdf)
  • Application Layer Protocols   (see lecture notes)
  • Final: 5/05/05 [closed note/book, covers material until last class]
Miscellaneous Notes & Messages